Agatha Christie’s intelligent yet eccentrically-refined Belgian detective Hercule Poirot is back on the case. This October director Kenneth Branagh’s follows...
Just under seven weeks remain until the release of ‘Captain Marvel,’ the highly anticipated Brie Larson-led superhero standalone, and to keep us all going until then the folks over at Marvel have a new batch of character posters. Set in...
“The stage is set for a little family drama…” From director Michael Mayer comes a film adaptation of the Anton Chekhov classic about a group of friends and lovers, all of whom are in love with the wrong person. An...
20TH CENTURY WOMEN (USA/16/119mins) Directed by Mike Mills. Starring Annette Bening, Greta Gerwig, Elle Fanning, Billy Crudup, Lucas Jade Zumann THE PLOT: In late 1970s California, Dorothea (Annette Bening) and her son Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann) live together in a...
“In this town, aren’t those the rules?” It’s Hollywood, 1958. Small town beauty queen and devout Baptist virgin Marla Mabrey (Lily Collins), under contract to the infamous Howard Hughes (Warren Beatty), arrives in Los Angeles. At the airport, she meets...
DANNY COLLINS (USA/15A/106mins) Directed by Dan Fogelman. Starring Al Pacino, Annette Bening, Christopher Plummer, Jennifer Garner, Bobby Cannavale. THE PLOT:...
Annette Bening, Greta Gerwig and Elle Fanning are set to take the leads in ‘20th Century Women,’ the next directorial effort of Mike Mills (‘Beginners’). Slated to begin filming in Southern California later this year, the drama is set in...
We bring you the best films about going home… THE JUDGE is released in Irish cinemas this week, and stars Roebert Downey Jr as Hank, a man who returns to his hometown for his mother’s funeral. All is not well...