The Plot: New Jersey, the late 1960s. In the Italian mafia, you keep your friends and family close but your enemies closer. Dickie (Alessandro Nivola) is always on the lookout for the next enemy, particularly at a time of strife...
“This is not a mission for me. This is my life.” First-look trailer for Emmy Award-winner Gideon Raff’s spy thriller starring Chris Evans, Michael Kenneth Williams, Haley Bennett, Alessandro Nivola, Michiel Huisman, Chris Chalk, Greg Kinnear and Ben Kingsley. Inspired by remarkable...
Courtesy of Empire, we have an alternative one-sheet for the eagerly awaited new drama from ‘We Need to Talk About Kevin’ helmer Lynne Ramsay. Based on the novel by Jonathan Ames, YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE stars Joaquin Phoenix as...
‘Captain America’ star Chris Evans has signed on for the spy thriller ‘Red Sea Diving,’ based on the true life events of the Israeli spy agency’s effort “to rescue and bring home Ethiopian Jews that were trapped in Sudan in...