The Plot: Lily (Blake Lively) returns home to Boston to mark the passing of her father Andrew (Kevin McKidd). He was a troubled man with a complex relationship with his wife and daughter. She sees an opportunity to fulfill her dream...
The Plot: Modern-day Belfast and the Irish language is under threat. Still not officially recognised as an official language there, this is a matter of concern for Republican hip-hoppers Naoise (Móglaí Bap) and his friend Liam Og (Mo Chara). They’re...
When Justin Baldoni first read Colleen Hoover’s future bestseller It Ends With Us back in 2019, he knew the powerful, moving story was something special. “I was just starting our Wayfarer Studios and was looking for a very specific type...
Kneecap is a riotous and rebellious Irish-language comedy-drama that tells the story of how three friends from West Belfast formed a hip-hop band that performs in Irish. The film stars real-life band members Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ Próvaí...
We love it when a plan comes together. Especially if said plan is to be executed by a ragtag bunch of misfits thrown together for the task. Eli Roth’s latest blockbuster based on the massive video games franchise, stars Cate...
Reawakening is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the depths of human emotion and the enduring power of hope. Directed by Virginia Gilbert, the film stars a stellar cast including Jared Harris, Juliet Stevenson, and Erin Doherty. The story...
The Plot: Harold (Zachary Levi) is an animated character who lives in a storybook world with his friends Moose (Lil Rey Howery) and Porcupine (Tanya Reynolds). Curious about his narrator and creator (voiced by Alfred Molina), he ventures into the real...
After a six-year hiatus, Deadpool is back, and this time, he has a most unexpected partner in crime: Wolverine. How on earth is Wolverine back? Didn’t he die in Logan? The answer is yes, he very much died in Logan,...
The laughs (and screams) are coming back in a double dose with Joker: Folie à Deux, hitting Irish cinemas this October. Joaquin Phoenix returns as the enigmatic Arthur Fleck, but this time around, he won’t be dancing alone. Joining him...
The Plot: Having suffered a disastrous set-back, storm-chaser Kate (Daisy Edgar-Jones) has now resigned herself to a desk job. She’s coaxed back into the game by former colleague Javi (Anthony Ramos), who has further developed their team’s technology to analyse...
The Plot: Lia (Mzia Arabuli) arrives in a small Georgian village, looking for her niece Tekla. She made a promise to her sister that she would look after Tekla and bring her home. Tekla is not there, but her friend...
Ferocious winds. Relentless rain. Biblical flooding. Treacherous snowstorms. But enough about Irish summers. The upcoming release of Twisters, a kind of spiritual successor to the‘90s classic Twister, has got us thinking about extreme weather movies. Twisters, directed by Lee Isaac...
Say “Bello!” to mischief & mayhem, the world’s most lovable supervillain-turned-dad is back to face his biggest challenge yet: domestic life. Gru & family are forced into witness protection after an old nemesis, Maxime Le Mal (played by Will Ferrell)...
The Plot: It’s the 1960s and the Space Race between the Americans and Russians has reached a critical point. Putting a man in space and bringing him home safely is one thing, but landing on the moon and proving it to...
Almost two decades after a thumbs-down sent a shockwave through the Colosseum, prepare to dust off your sandals for Ridley Scott’s Gladiator sequel. We trade in Russell Crowe’s gruff charm for a new hero – Lucius, the son you might...
The Plot: It’s 1993 and there’s a serial killer on the loose in rural Oregon. Calling himself ‘Longlegs’ (Nicolas Cage), the killer has a pattern of orchestrating grisly family murders – seemingly inflicted by the father of the family with no...
Powerhouse horror studio Blumhouse has unleashed a trailer for their latest horror offering, ‘Afraid’ where smart home tech takes a turn for the terrifying!. This sci-fi horror flick, written and directed by Chris Weitz (“About a Boy”), stars John Cho...
The Plot: Samira (Lupita Nyong’o) finds herself on the run with her cat in New York. Alien creatures with ultrasonic hearing have invaded, drawn to the slightest sound with instant effect. She encounters law student Eric (Joseph Quinn) on the...
Kevin Costner knows his way around a Western. From his Oscar-winning Dances with Wolves to his award-winning performance in the hit television show Yellowstone, cowboys are in his blood. This week, he returns to cinemas with Horizon: An American Saga...
The Plot: In this trio of stories, a man (Jesse Plemons) lives under the direction of another (Willem Dafoe) and tries to break free; a woman (Emma Stone) returns home to her husband after disappearing and isn’t quite the same person;...
What do you get if you cross ‘Jaws’ with ‘Bridesmaids’? New movie SOMETHING IN THE WATER, from director Hayley Easton Street, might have the answer. The film dives (pun intended) into the nightmare scenario of a picture-perfect getaway gone horribly,...
The Plot: While the US Civil War mostly rages to the east of the country, Union soldier Trent (Sam Worthington) finds himself based in a western outpost. He comes into contact with pioneer settler and mother Frances (Sienna Miller), who is...
SOMETHING IN THE WATER is a new movie that dives (pun intended) into the nightmare scenario of a picture-perfect getaway gone horribly, horribly wrong. Five besties head out on a sunshine-filled boat trip to celebrate their friend’s upcoming nuptials. What...
Experience the day the world went quiet. This chilling prequel to A QUIET PLACE takes us back to the terrifying beginning, revealing the events that led to the world’s descent into silence. Starring Lupita Nyong’o, Joseph Quinn, Alex Wolff &...