The Plot: After her close encounter with sleazy bio-exorcist Beetlejuice (Michael Keaton), Lydia (Winona Ryder) is now a paranormal expert on a tacky TV show. Her morbid teenage daughter Astrid (Jenna Ortega) has little time for her, especially since her...
Legendary actor Steve Coogan is coming to the Bord Gais Energy Theatre in Dublin with a stage version of DR. STRANGELOVE, Stanley Kubrick’s iconic film. Seven-time BAFTA Award winner Steve Coogan will lead the first ever adaptation of the film-maker’s work. Coogan will...
The Plot: In this documentary, the artist Asbestos documents his mother’s decline from Alzheimer’s. She’s gradually losing her memory and thereby, her ability to function from day-to-day. He watches on, unable to halt what’s coming but keen to do something...
SPEAK NO EVIL is a new thriller starring James McAvoy set to chill audiences to the bone with its unique style of psychological terror. The film opens in Irish cinemas on September 12th but lucky readers can attend an early...
The Plot: Divine G (Coleman Domingo) has had a troubled past and finds himself in Sing Sing maximum security prison in upstate New York. He’s got all the time he needs to think about why he’s there and what he’s...
The Plot: Blind psychic Dani (Caroly Bracken) works in a curio shop, dispensing words of wisdom and stern warnings to all who dare to enter. She investigates when there’s an incident involving her sister, turning up at the house of husband...
Mary Robinson is a remarkable figure who has left an indelible mark on the world stage. As the first female president of Ireland, she has served as the UN High Commissioner, the Chair of the Elders, an activist for justice...
After two decades as one of the most beloved and enduring musicals on the stage, Wicked makes its long-awaited journey to the big screen as a spectacular, generation-defining cinematic event this holiday season. Wicked, the untold story of the witches of Oz,...
The Plot: This decades-spanning documentary charts the career and life of Mary Robinson. First a constitutional lawyer and then the first female President of Ireland during a time of economic crisis, she came to embody the spirit and need for...
Explosive, provocative and twisted, the latest must-see horror film, THE SUBSTANCE, is coming to Irish cinemas on 20 September 2024. Coralie Fargeat’s deliriously entertaining and ruthlessly satirical new film, starring Demi Moore, Margaret Qualley and Dennis Quaid received its World...
Forty-four years after Ridley Scott introduced audiences to Alien, Fede Álvarez brings us the ninth film in the franchise. Set between the events of the first and second Alien movies, Alien: Romulus. is a standalone film which tells the story...
The Plot: Rural China, 1995. Police detective and father-to-be Ma (Zhu Yilong) is drawn into a murder investigation involving an elderly woman found in the river. There’s not much evidence to go on, with rumours of a madman in the...
The Plot: Weyland-Yutani worker bee Rain (Cailee Spaeny) dreams of a better life in a distant, off-world colony accompanied by her artificial person ‘brother’ Andy (David Jonsson). Stuck in a lengthy contract on a mining planet, she sees an opportunity...
Kraven the Hunter promises to be a dark and gritty exploration of one of Spider-Man’s most iconic adversaries when it arrives in Irish cinemas this December. Directed by J.C. Chandor, known for his gritty dramas, Kraven is shaping up to...
The mother of all creature features returns to the big screen this month with ‘Alien: Romulus.’ Horror director Fede Alvarez delivers a terrifying cinematic experience that takes the classic ‘Alien’ franchise back to its roots. Set between the events of...
The Plot: Lily (Blake Lively) returns home to Boston to mark the passing of her father Andrew (Kevin McKidd). He was a troubled man with a complex relationship with his wife and daughter. She sees an opportunity to fulfill her dream...
The Plot: Modern-day Belfast and the Irish language is under threat. Still not officially recognised as an official language there, this is a matter of concern for Republican hip-hoppers Naoise (Móglaí Bap) and his friend Liam Og (Mo Chara). They’re...
When Justin Baldoni first read Colleen Hoover’s future bestseller It Ends With Us back in 2019, he knew the powerful, moving story was something special. “I was just starting our Wayfarer Studios and was looking for a very specific type...
Kneecap is a riotous and rebellious Irish-language comedy-drama that tells the story of how three friends from West Belfast formed a hip-hop band that performs in Irish. The film stars real-life band members Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap and DJ Próvaí...
We love it when a plan comes together. Especially if said plan is to be executed by a ragtag bunch of misfits thrown together for the task. Eli Roth’s latest blockbuster based on the massive video games franchise, stars Cate...
Reawakening is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the depths of human emotion and the enduring power of hope. Directed by Virginia Gilbert, the film stars a stellar cast including Jared Harris, Juliet Stevenson, and Erin Doherty. The story...
The Plot: Harold (Zachary Levi) is an animated character who lives in a storybook world with his friends Moose (Lil Rey Howery) and Porcupine (Tanya Reynolds). Curious about his narrator and creator (voiced by Alfred Molina), he ventures into the real...
After a six-year hiatus, Deadpool is back, and this time, he has a most unexpected partner in crime: Wolverine. How on earth is Wolverine back? Didn’t he die in Logan? The answer is yes, he very much died in Logan,...
The laughs (and screams) are coming back in a double dose with Joker: Folie à Deux, hitting Irish cinemas this October. Joaquin Phoenix returns as the enigmatic Arthur Fleck, but this time around, he won’t be dancing alone. Joining him...