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Win Terminator Salvation Goodie Bags TShirts Survival Kits

Are you prepared incase of a Terminator invasion? Enter our competition and you will be!

Ever wondered what would you do if a swarm of Terminators made their way to Dublin and started wreaking havoc on society? Now you’ll never need to, because you’ll be prepared thanks to our latest giveaway.



Terminator: Salvation brings us into the post-apocalyptic future of Earth, where mankind struggles to survive and robots have all but conquered the planet and our only hope lies on the shoulders of one man, John Connor, can he alongside the mysterious Marcus Wright infiltrate Skynet and finally bring an end to the Terminators and the rest of the machines…




We have a host of goodie bags to give away, each containing all kinds of Terminator goodies.



One goodie bag will contain all of the following:


A Terminator hat
A Terminator t-shirt,
survival kit,
Official art book,
Terminator Salvation – movie novelization
and Terminator 3 on Blu-Ray



Runners-up prizes will contain a mixture of the above items!





To win this money-can’t-buy-prize just answer the following question.


Q: Who is the director of Terminator : Salvation



Just answer the simple question and click here to submit your answer.


Terminator : Salvation is at Irish cinemas now





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