Paramount Pictures has reportedly set in motion plans to adapt ‘The Pro,’ the 2002 one-shot graphic novel by Garth Ennis, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Paul Mounts.
She curses, she smokes, she breast-feeds and she blows away the competition. A dirty irreverent take on the superhero genre, the graphic novel follows the misadventures of a prostitute who gains superpowers and reluctantly joins a superteam – the League of Honor – to help curb her anti-heroic behaviour.
There has been talk of a live-action adaptation of the one-shot over the years, with the Palmiotti and Conner calling for the likes of comedian/actress Sarah Silverman and Ellen Muth (‘Hannibal,’ ‘Dead Like Me’) to play the titular character.
Word on the big screen adaptation comes via Deadline’s Mike Fleming, who hears that Zoe McCarthy (‘Bitches On A Boat’) is on board to provide the script, while Erwin Stoff of 3 Arts Entertainment produces.