Iconic anime director Shinichiro Watanabe, best known for the acclaimed hit anime series ‘Cowboy Bebop’ and ‘Samurai Champloo,’ is directing an animated short tie-in to the upcoming ‘Blade Runner 2049.’
Titled ‘Blade Runner Black Out 2022,’ the short will take place three years after the events of the original film, and will involve a large power outage on the west coast of the United States that has massive, destructive implications all over the world.
Flying Lotus is composing the score for the animation, which will also feature music from Kuedo and Miguel Atwood-Ferguson.
‘Blade Runner Black Out 2022’ is the third prequel short, following ‘2036: Nexus Dawn,’ starring Jared Leto, and the recently released ‘2048: Nowhere to Run,’ starring Dave Bautista.
You can watch a behind the scenes look at ‘Blade Runner Black Out 2022’ below.