The Plot: Robert Renfield (Nicholas Hoult) has had enough of his toxic, co-dependent relationship with his boss from hell. That boss is none other than the Prince of Darkness himself, Count Dracula (Nicolas Cage). His human familiar Renfield is constantly called...
The Plot: The actor Nick Cage (Nicolas Cage) is holding out for that one role that will be his defining moment in the film industry. After that, he’s planning to pack it all in and retire. He has visions of...
“You’re here to be a human sacrifice!” New full-length trailer for ‘Willy’s Wonderland,’ which is essentially the premise of the popular ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ videogames with Nicolas Cage battling the evil furry animatronics. Check it out below. A quiet...
“It’s just a colour… but it burns!” Based on .P. Lovecraft’s science fiction/horror short story of the same name, THE COLOUR OF SPACE marks the long-awaited return of South African-born filmmaker Richard Stanley (‘Hardware,’ ‘Dust Devil’). After a meteorite lands...
Directed by ‘Beyond the Black Rainbow’ helmer Panos Cosmatos, MANDY is set in the primal wilderness of 1983 where Red Miller, a broken and haunted man hunts an unhinged religious sect who slaughtered the love of his life....
MOM AND DAD (USA / TBC / 85 mins) Directed by Brian Taylor. Starring Nicolas Cage, Selma Blair, Anne Winters, Zackary Arthur, Lance Henriksen. THE PLOT: The Ryans seem like your average American nuclear family. However, Brent (Nicolas Cage) and...