“Alright. You’re not going to like what comes next…” Hilarious first trailer for Jacques Audiard’s dark western comedy starring Joaquin Phoenix, John...
‘Inherent Vice’ and ‘Irrational Man’ star Joaquin Phoenix is reportedly in talks to join John C. Reilly for the Patrick DeWitt adaptation ‘The Sisters Brothers.’ Set against the backdrop of the great California Gold Rush, the darkly comic tale follows...
Thursday in Cannes saw the first real rain of the entire festival. We sadly left the flip flops at home and squelched down to the Palais to see Jacques Audiard’s film In Competition; DHEEPAN. The film tells the story of...
DHEEPAN (France/15A/109mins) Directed by Jacques Audiard. Starring Vincent Rottiers, Marc Zinga, Jesuthasan Antonythasan, Kalieaswari Srinivasan, Franck Falise, Claudine Vinasithamby THE...