This summer, from the biggest animated franchise in history and global cultural phenomenon, comes the untold story of one 12-year-old’s dream to become the world’s greatest supervillain, in MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRU, opening in Irish cinemas on July 10th....
With its December 14 release inching closer, the folks over at Warner Bros. are ramping up the marketing for the Sea King’s solo outing, beginning with these colourful one-sheets featuring Arthur Curry, Mera, Vulko, Orm, Atlanna, Nereus, and Black Manta....
Life has become a balancing act for Adonis Creed. Between personal obligations and training for his next big fight, he is up against the challenge of his life. Facing an opponent with ties to his family’s past only intensifies his...
There’s more to lose than a title. MGM and Warner Bros. have debuted the official trailer for the highly anticipated sequel, hitting Irish cinemas November 30. Check it out below. Life has become a balancing act for Adonis Creed. Between personal...
DEATH WISH 3 and MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE 35 mm Double Bill Presentation! Grind House Dublin asked you, you answered big time, now they’re bringing them to you big time… both in 35 mm! Two movies for only €12.The double...