Filmmaker to helm ‘Mindcorp.’ José Padilha (‘Robocop,’ ‘Elite Squad’) is to direct ‘Mindcorp,’ a high-concept thriller based on an unpublished short story by the Brazilian filmmaker. Full plot details are under wraps, but according to Deadline, the film is an...
‘Preacher’ series finds its leads… Dominic Cooper (‘Captain America: The First Avenger,’ ‘The Devil’s Double’) is, according to TheWrap, close to landing the lead role in ‘Preacher,’ the small screen adaptation of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon’s cult comic series....
‘The Future Belongs To The Mad.’ ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ is the fourth film of George Miller‘s Road Warrior/Mad Max franchise co-written and directed by Miller. The post-apocalyptic action film is set in the furthest reaches of our planet, in...
Filmmakers tackling The King of Monsters’ reboot… It has been announced, via Variety, that top anime directors Hideaki Anno (‘Neon Genesis Evangelion’) and Shinji Higuchi (‘Attack on Titan‘) are to take the directing reins for a new Japanese version of...
Live-action redo in development… Disney has plans for a live-action re-imagining on their 1998 animated feature ‘Mulan,’ according to THR. The trade’s sources hear that the Mouse House has snapped up a script by writing team Elizabeth Martin and Lauren...
“Haley Bennett and Vincent D’Onofrioalso heading to the wild west…. Variety has learned that Ethan Hawke is set to reunite with ‘Training Day’ director Antoine Fuqua and co-star Denzel Washington on the upcoming redo of ‘The Magnificent Seven.’ Co-starring Chris...