Kavalier Clay author heads to Mars

Michael Chabon attached to rewrite Andrew Stanton’s “A Princess of Mars”

Andrew Stanton’s adaptation of the Edgar Rice Burroughs pulp legend John Carter of Mars just got a new screenwriter.

Michael Chabon, author of such books as The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier & Clay and The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, has signed on to rewrite the script for Disney’s big-screen adaption of A Princess of Mars, the first of eleven books in the John Carter saga

The novelist, who worked on the script for Spider-Man 2, noted that his love for pulp writer Edgar Rice Burroughs’ original A Princess Of Mars stories were an early inspiration for him: “I wrote my original screenplay The Martian Agent back in 1995 because I wished I could do Burroughs’s Barsoom,” he added. “So this is pretty much a dream come true for me.”

Stephen Daldry is attached to direct a big screen version of his acclaimed book The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier & Clay.