Comic Book Movies 2011 Poll

Which 2011 comic book film will you see? Vote in our poll to see which movie is most popular amongst Irish cinema goers!

2011 is a busy year for comic book films, we’ve counted ten (eleven if you include ‘The Smurfs’, but lets not)

We’ve set-up a poll over on Facebook (click here) for you to vote for the film you’re most excited about. If you can’t choose then you can pick more than one, but you can’t vote twice, not unless you have multiple Facebook accounts, and thats just creepy!

What movies are in our poll?
Captain America – The First Avenger
Conan The Barbarian
Cowboys & Aliens
Green Lantern
The Adventures Of Tintin
Transformers – Dark Of The Moon
X-Men : First Class 

You can add your own if you think we missed any.
We’ll post the winner in the comments next week. Happy voting.